Net Schedule for Pickens CARES

The Pickens County ARES Net meets Monday Evenings at 8:00 PM on 146.70- with a tone of 107.2
Net Control Script
If you are interested in becoming a net control for the Pickens County ARES Net, please contact W5UGD.

South Carolina HF ARES/RACES net on the first & third Monday nights of every month at 18:00 pacific on 3.9935Mhz.
All amateurs licensed for this frequency are invited to participate.

The Foothills Amateur Radio Club net meets on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 8:30 PM on 146.70- with a tone of 107.2

The SkyWarn Severe Weather Net is initiated on the 146.70- repeater in the event of severe weather in Pickens County.
Liaisons to the 146.61 net will be needed, as will net control operators.
KE4HGX / Gretchen is the AEC for Skywarn operations.
SkyWarn Net Script