Pickens County ARES Mission Statement


It is the primary mission of the Pickens County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (Pickens CARES) group to provide emergency communication when called upon for Pickens County, South Carolina.

In addition, the following items are considered to be fundamental purposes for which the group is established:

  • Pickens CARES will provide communications services to communities served for special events such as parades, foot or bicycle races, etc., whenever appropriate for the purpose of training and enhancement of communications skills of its members, and to help increase awareness of the Amateur Radio Services.
  • The membership will establish a self-contained network of amateur radio stations or other necessary equipment in locations deemed appropriate for provision of critical information flow in an emergency situation.
  • The group will establish and constantly improve efficient procedures for contacting members under emergency conditions and for assigning them to critical locations.
  • Formal training programs for all members will be established in order to insure that expectations of the members are clearly understood and that basic levels of skills and performance required in emergency conditions of different types will be available.
  • Publicity for Pickens CARES activities will be provided in order to obtain more public and government awareness of and support for the group and its capabilities.
  • New members will be sought by the group in order to maintain and expand the necessary capabilities for it.
  • Fund raising activities will be established so that sufficient finances become available for the further provisioning of Pickens CARES equipment in furthering its mission.


Date last modified:  March 7, 2003 - JMH